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Soup Saga: Bowl of soup

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Jane Matenaer



I’m not a great cook.  There are a few things I make that haven’t poisoned anyone recently, but I know my limitations.  

Including cream soups.  I tried it once. The cream of mushroom soup turned out grey. I’m fairly certain soup and other digestible items should never be that color.

That being said, I know a good cream soup when I see/taste it. 

Smooth and slightly thick with little pieces of mushrooms or broccoli or potatoes.

Not the consistency of broth, right? With no discernable vegetable pieces? 

That’s what I was served not long ago  when a good friend took me out for dinner. 

After one taste and a good stir, (I’m not sure why I thought stirring it would help.) I threw in the spoon. It was terrible.

Yet, I didn’t send it back.  Never even really thought about it.  I’ve never sent food back. 

Greg and I talked about it on the show and more than one person said a good chef wants to know if a customer isn’t satisfied. 

I took that advice, called the restaurant and left a message about my recent brothy experience. 

Hopefully, this was taken as productive criticism and not the random complaint of a cranky customer. 

And if the chef ever wants to know how to make grey soup, I’m available. 

Jane Matenaer

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